

Do you want to consider your candidates and employees for what they could do, and not just for what they have done in the past? Our Echo psychometric test allows you to understand soft skills accurately and takes a fresh look at the future contributions of individuals to work.

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A personality test unlike any other

Echo is the most comprehensive, clear and secure personality test on the market. You don’t believe it? 95% of the assessees consider that the description of their professional behaviours is accurate!

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The predictive power of soft skills

In just 10 minutes, Echo transforms the assessment of soft skills. Drawing upon a multidimensional approach and modern statistical techniques, we offer unparalleled precision that will amaze your intuition:

  • Accurate prediction of motivations
  • Deep assessment of key soft skills
  • Insight on self-awareness
  • Advanced analysis of the employment relationship

Our tool not only collects data; it analyses it objectively, providing a complete and nuanced view of each individual. This approach not only ensures a better understanding of candidates, but also paves the way for informed and predictive decisions concerning their integration and evolution within your company.


A valid and scientifically reliable model

The identification of the preferred modes of assessment and positioning on key soft skills at work is made using the IDEAC© model: Influence, Decision, Efficiency, Agility, Collaboration.

Developed by our R&D department, IDEAC® is the result of a field analysis conducted with HR professionals, supplemented by a prospective approach based on recent research work around 21st century skills. Validated by the scientific community, this competency model was subject to publications and communications at the World Conference on Personality.


Enhanced interviews

Echo provides HR professionals but also the assessee a clear support document with a narrative approach, highly propitious for focused discussion and self-awareness.

By discovering the assessee’s expectations of the relationship they would like to have with their job, you can identify the conditions which favour or hinder their commitment. This enables you to ascertain, during the interview, the candidate and employee needs & thus integrate them more smoothly into your organisation.

A report document for analysis – made available exclusively to the accredited assessor - provides additional information on the assessee’s personality traits, including behavioural variability. This provides a better understanding of the individual’s adaptability and uniqueness and helps to personalise the questions asked during the interview.


Discover the benefits of assessing soft skills with the Echo test.

Make your decisions secure


Understand human singularity


Promote diversity


Improve your interviews

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A rewarding training path

Training in our tools is a fundamental and mandatory part of our ethical and scientific approach.

The Echo accreditation course is composed of 21 hours, organised in 2 sessions (2 consecutive days and 1 day a few weeks afterwards), to be carried out at a distance or in a face-to-face session.

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