

Specifically designed to help you clarify and structure the processes of evolution and professional projection of your employees.

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A career test, but not only...

This test provides a reliable diagnosis of behavioural skills and beliefs linked to the work market and employment. Predictive data helps define the work environments which are potentially favourable to the candidate to adapt and succeed. It can be used to support and advise your employees in a context of internal mobility or career assessment.

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A new model of career management

Assess your employees in two ways: their professional resources and their job profile.

Their professional resources determine their efficiency and satisfaction in certain activities or professions, this includes their motivational and interpersonal resources, as well as their relationship to the labour market and their career.

Identify the job profile for which resources are optimal and where their potential for success is highest, be it in terms of type of organisation, functions or occupations.


Individual matching and work environments

Our individual/work environment matching is the result of an innovative research method, based on field data analysis, at two levels:

Descriptive level: A data search conducted on more than 29,000 individuals to identify behaviours representative of different functions and sectors of activity.

Predictive level: A longitudinal study of 1490 individuals, tested twice a year since 2006, to identify success profiles by business type and role type.

Offer your talents a customised career management!


An interactive and modular report

The report incites an engaging interactivity to actively involve the beneficiary in the analysis of their results. In addition, its modularity allows you to customise your report to ensure it is aligned with your specific context.

Support your employees in their professional evolution!


Discover the benefits of a soft skills assessment to carry out a career assessment and guide your employees.


Develop a relationship of trust and dialogue with the company


Promote development and professional success


Awareness of strengths and development areas


Reduce mobility errors and associated costs

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A rewarding training path

Training in our tools is a fundamental and mandatory part of our ethical and scientific approach.

Hybrid training alternating synchronous and asynchronous learning:

  • Appropriation (3,5 hours) + training (2 hours) can be done either through virtual classes or a 7-hour face-to-face session.
  • We provide learning resources (guides, videos, etc.) lasting a total of 1h30 for autonomous learning

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