
Cognitive and behavioural assessment test

A cognitive-behavioural approach to assess the potential of your candidates and employees around 4 dimensions: Influence, Decision, Efficiency & Agility.

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Detect & develop managerial potential

Developed on the basis of a cognitive-behavioural approach which is unique in the market, TwoB-R provides a powerful support for the detection and development of potential.

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The combination of behavioural and cognitive aspects

Empirical research has been conducted in different organisations to determine which skills are particularly critical in assessing potential at work.

Categorisation work made it possible to reduce the skill set into 4 measurable dimensions in resonance with the current environment: Influence - Decision - Efficiency - Agility

Each of these 4 dimensions is assessed from two angles (or prisms): behavioural and cognitive.


Indicators on the candidate/employee’s potential

Using 4 types of potential, TwoB-R helps you interpret the complementarity of the behavioural and cognitive aspects of your assessment:

  • Potential optimised
  • Cognitive potential under-exploited
  • Cognitive potential compensated
  • Potential to develop.

A report focused on potential development

The report provides much practical advice if the behaviours of the assessed person are not in line with their cognitive potential:

  • Awareness of strengths and areas of progress
  • Involvement in personal development
  • Relationship of trust and dialogue with the company.


Discover the benefits of a cognitive-behavioural approach.


Measure the potential of a candidate or an employee


Awareness of strengths and areas of progress


Understand the professional agility of individuals


Relationship of trust and dialogue with the company

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A rewarding training path

Training in our tools is a fundamental and mandatory part of our ethical and scientific approach.

The TwoB-R accreditation course can be done at a distance with two 2-hour virtual classes or a face-to-face session on a 7-hour day + a 2-hour virtual class.

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