Recruiting the best candidate

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Our recruitment tests and services help you go beyond stereotypes to select the best talents. Discuss soft skills with your candidates to improve the quality of your interviews and decisions.

Predict success with our assessments

A recruitment error can have high costs, not only from a human standpoint for the candidate and the manager, but also financially for the company. By understanding the professional behaviours of your future talents using predictive methods, you are making sure the recruitment process is fairer and more efficient.

Assess and initiate a dialogue to ensure successful recruitments


Improve your interviews

Allocate your time to what really matters: initiating a dialogue with your candidate.

Our tests simplify and refocus your attention by providing you with useful data quickly so you can understand your future talents better:

  • what motivates your candidates
  • their soft skills
  • their behavioural skills
  • their cognitive abilities
  • to what extent, and how, are they likely to succeed in the company?

This information will help you conduct more relevant interviews, focused on the person, strengthening your role as a recruiter and creating a relationship-based approach.

Gain in efficiency

Time is money and that’s even more the case when it comes to recruitment. The sourcing, the administrative work, the pre-selection and selection of candidates provide HR professionals with a heavy daily workload.

By using our tests, your selection process will become more professional, qualitative and shorter.

The PerformanSe platform offers you an integrated solution to design, manage and assess your recruitment campaigns, while enriching the candidate’s experience through an interactive process.

It helps you choose the test most adapted to your specific situation, allowing you to analyse and compare applications efficiently, reducing recruitment time by 30%.

Increase the predictability of your choices

Recruitment tests, with their predictive power, transform profoundly and positively the future of your company. On average, they contribute to increasing the efficiency of recruitments by 15%, and reduce staff turnover by 20%, thus generating substantial savings of time and money for companies.

More than 80% of European companies use them during their pre-selection and selection process, not only to go beyond the simple CVs and technical skills (hard skills) of candidates, but mostly to identify personalities, values, and, in fine, true talents.

By using our predictive tools, you are learning more about what makes up a candidate’s heart and soul.

Foster diversity and inclusiveness

In the world of human resources, one major problem is the standardisation of assessments that don’t take into account each company’s specific needs and professional context.

This uniform approach may introduce bias, thereby limiting candidate diversity and representation. Psychometric tests provide a solution to this problem. Adapted and calibrated to specific requirements and professional environments, they assess candidates fairly, fostering a more diversified and inclusive selection.

Our recruitment tests are specifically designed for this purpose. They go beyond classic assessments by considering the fundamental realities of companies, ensuring an approach that is both relevant and respectful of the diversity of talents.

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